Welcome to Bumblebees and Butterflies
Welcome to the Autumn Term and the start of your first exciting year at Westfield Primary. We hope you had a great Summer and are excited to be joining at our lovely school.
This term the topics are All About Me! and Space. We are going to start by finding out about each other including our families, our pets and our favourite toys. After half term we are going to be blasting off on a space adventure as we learn more about the planets, the moon and aliens!!
Over the term the children will become familiar with our Read, Write, Inc. phonics programme and will soon begin to bring home sounds, words and books to practise so please listen to your child read every day in order to begin to develop their blending and segmenting skills.
In maths we are going to be spending much of this term exploring numbers to 5. It would be great if you could help your children practise recognising, counting and using these numbers at home to help them embed this knowledge.
Thank you for all your support this term.
Mrs Thomas and Mrs Pear
Mrs Thomas
Mrs Pear