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Meal and Trip Payments

We use Scopay (formerly Tucasi) for our on-line school meal and trip payments. If you would like to make an online payment and have already obtained your personal username and password please click here.

From September 2023 a school meal will be charged at a rate of £2.90 (£2.95 from September 2024) per day for children in years 3-6. All meals should be paid for in advance of your children having them.

Children should choose either from a packed lunch sent in from home or school dinners for the half term. You may only change your option at the start of every half term.

We are a NUT FREE school so please do not send anything that may contain nuts, including Nutella.

We request that packed lunches are balanced.

The children may have juice at lunchtime, (but in class they may only have water).

If you would like to make an online payment but do not yet have a personal username or password please contact the school office.

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