At Westfield Primary School our central mission is to support all children to become lifelong readers by empowering them to develop a love of sharing stories that grows to a life-time enjoyment of reading.
We pledge to provide all children with many opportunities to listen to, and read high quality texts, enjoy and share books as well as being exposed to a language rich environment, which provides access to many different types of print.
Through the use of multiple strategies, we envision a future where all children take responsibility for their learning, to enable them to have the necessary reading skills to reach their full potential, developing into lifelong learners both academically and socially.
At Westfield Primary School we recognise that literacy skills need to be explicitly taught at an age-appropriate level. In addition to teaching these skills in the context of daily Literacy lessons, we are committed to enabling the children to learn, apply and consolidate their knowledge of the English language. To this end, Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Phonics and Handwriting are taught throughout the school.