Winter weather conditions

Some winter weather reminders…
We would like to remind you that in the event that the school needs to be closed due to bad weather conditions, Surrey schools make announcements on their school website. Ours is
We will also send a text message in the event that the school needs to be closed.
If the weather looks questionable, please continue to check the website and look at your phone messages (in case the website fails), we wouldn’t want your child to set off for school only to find we are closed. Please ensure the school office has your up to date mobile number.
Should weather conditions turn cold, we ask that:
Students and parents should be mindful of their journey to school and allow extra time. Bonsey Lane is often treacherous and the pedestrian paths have in the past not been treated by Surrey County Council. So we ask that parents/ carers bringing children to school should walk with extreme caution and avoid driving down Bonsey Lane at all if road conditions become icy. THANK YOU!
When bringing children to school they may come in wearing alternative sturdy footwear (boots) and should change into dry school footwear on arrival.
As always the safety of our children and staff is paramount in any decision to close the school.